As entrepreneurs in this digital age, you need to own the fact that you’re also a content creator. And if you happen to be an entrepreneur with a small team, or even a solopreneur, much of that content creation will ride on your shoulders.
In the bustling realm of entrepreneurship, time is undoubtedly the most precious commodity. Amidst juggling a myriad tasks and responsibilities, carving out moments for content creation can often feel like a Herculean feat. Whether it’s crafting compelling blog posts, engaging social media updates, or informative videos, the demands of producing quality content can leave even the most seasoned entrepreneurs grappling for more hours in the day. Fret not, for within the labyrinth of hectic schedules and endless to-do lists lies a treasure trove of strategies – a collection of indispensable time-saving content creation tips meticulously tailored for the ambitious entrepreneur.
I started out my entrepreneurship journey as a content creator and quickly realized the time-sucking abilities it had – and since then have learned several tips and tricks to make the best use of our time in the world of content creation…especially when it’s not your income generator.
Save yourself Time
Your time is THE most important resource that you have, please use it well. Work in your sweet spot as often as humanly possible, and remember that your work time is likely best utilized in revenue producing activities…which isn’t always content creation – but it is necessary for a majority of us.
So, let’s do it quickly and let’s do it good-ish. That’s right, it’s not going to be perfect – we don’t have time for that. Content creation is not how we get paid. It should be good, but I want you to ditch any ideas of perfection here, okay? So, buckle up as we embark on a journey to unravel the secrets of efficient content creation, one invaluable tip at a time.
10 Time Saving Content Creation Tips
1. Content Planning

Create a content calendar and plan your topics in advance. Having a clear roadmap for your content allows you to focus on your primary piece of content rather than spending time figuring out what to write, talk, or post about next.
Don’t make this complicated. Think of a subject or topic your audience is interested in within your brand and area of expertise. Start with 12 of those for a full year’s worth of monthly focus points. Then those ‘mother’ topics can have little baby topics underneath them for your weekly content.
Grab some sticky notes and spend 20-30 minutes flushing out your content calendar. And get this…if next April’s content isn’t hitting right for you come March, then change your mind. Easy enough. You’re the boss.
2. Work in Advance
Nobody puts Baby in a corner. But I bet you’ve put yourself there a time or two scrambling to get something posted or shared, written or podcasted. Stop that. Give yourself more lead time, my friend. I know creators that will work 3-6 months in advance…hats off to them. Me? Just a month in advance. It’s early August as I’m writing this post for September. Plenty of time for my Virtual Assistant to get this into production, time to take the ‘baby’ pieces of content out of this a create social posts for September too. I’m a month ahead of the game, and it feels doable. Breathable. Not hurried. Highly recommend!
3. Batch like a Boss
Write multiple pieces of content in one sitting, maybe a couple of blog posts, podcast outlines, or a month’s worth of social captions in one sitting. Batching allows you to get into a flow state and reduces the time spent on context switching between different topics. Squirrel!
I’m a big fan of batching my video work especially – I’ll typically create 8-10 videos in one afternoon that carries my video content for a month. Could I spend more time? Yes, of course – but content creation isn’t how I make money, it’s complimentary to me supporting my audience, clients, and reaching new people.
4. Get Support
I used ChatGPT to get ideas for this blog post, and then modified those ideas to meet my own perspective. My virtual assistant will take my google doc and put it into wordpress to make this blog live. My youngest daughter will edit my videos for social media. It’s eclectic, and it works for me at this stage of business. Get support where you can to give yourself a break from having to do it all.
In fact, these are the blog titles that were suggested…you see what I went with here.
- “10 Time-Saving Tips for Content Creation: A Must-Read for Entrepreneurs”
- “Efficient Content Planning: How to Save Time and Boost Productivity”
- “Content Creation Mastery: 10 Time-Saving Techniques for Entrepreneurs”
- “Content Creation Hacks: Tips for Entrepreneurs in the Digital Age”
- “Streamlining Your Content Creation Process: 10 Time-Saving Strategies”
- “Maximize Your Time as an Entrepreneur: 10 Content Creation Tips”
- “Be a Productive Content Creator: Time-Saving Techniques for Entrepreneurs”
- “Time Management for Content Creators: 10 Tips for Success”
- “Mastering Content Planning: Time-Saving Tips for Entrepreneurs”
- “Creating Quality Content in Less Time: 10 Essential Tips”
- “From Overwhelmed to Organized: 10 Time-Saving Content Creation Tips”
- “Content Planning How-To: 10 Time-Saving Techniques for Entrepreneurs”
- “Boost Your Content Creation Efficiency: 10 Expert Tips”
- “Entrepreneurs’ Guide to Effective Content Planning: Time-Saving Strategies”
- “Content Creation 101: Time-Saving Tips for Busy Entrepreneurs”
- “Streamline Your Content Workflow: 10 Time-Saving Methods”
- “Content Creation Made Easy: 10 Time-Saving Tips for Entrepreneurs”
- “The Productive Entrepreneur’s Handbook to Content Creation”
- “10 Time-Saving Secrets of Successful Content Creators”
- “Content Planning in 2023: Time-Saving Techniques for Entrepreneurs”
5. Templates
Develop content templates or outlines for different types of content. These structures can help you organize your thoughts and speed up your process. Canva templates for social posts, yes please! Writing format for these blogs borrowed from an online marketer? You bet. Create systems for yourself that make adding and dropping content easier – no need to recreate the wheel on a regular basis.
6. Repurpose
Game changer! When I started taking my ‘mother’ piece of content and letting it inspire other content I no longer felt at a loss for ideas. Simply take your long form content and break it up into smaller pieces to spread across the social media spectrum. Don’t overthink this, or worry that you’re going to repeat yourself. Hate to break it to you, but people aren’t paying that much attention. AND even if they were, statistics show that it takes 7 times for something to really sink in….so you’re fine.
7. Curate Content
Share valuable content from others in your industry and add your insights. Curating content is an excellent way to provide value to your audience without starting from scratch. You also get to support other creators, and share new perspectives with your audience. I love doing this in my Instagram stories every few weeks.
8. Schedule your Time

“Content Creation” is a block on my calendar weekly for two hours. The first week of the month I’m planning my social content and writing weekly emails. The second week of the month I’m filming videos. The third week of the month is a buffer week if I missed something the first or second week. The fourth week is a time to write the next blog post.
Weekly I spend 30-45 minutes writing social captions and modifying anything in Canva for social posts for the following week.
No more, no less. If I don’t plan the time – I will find something else to do with it. And if I don’t cap it…I could spend a ton of time on it. Prioritize your time.
Similarly, I have a routine schedule for my social posts. Something you can do easily to take some pressure off.
- Mondays – Insights or Inspiration
- Tuesday – Tips or Teaching
- Wednesday – OFF
- Thursday – Share or Promotion
- Friday – Fun
- Saturday/Sunday – OFF
9. Everything is content
I take pictures of things to jog my memory later, and videos of all kinds of things that may make a great background in the future. If your brand is personal in nature, you have all kinds of material around you. Everything is content, everything is content…
10. Change your Mind
When I first started creating content in the form of blog posts I thought that it would BE my source of income. I’d write about whatever my heart desired (at that time the big, crazy idea of moving my family to Mexico for a few years) and companies would pay to put their aligned ads within my posts. BUT, I was about a decade too late on that ‘easy’ start up.
Writing was my first love on this journey, when in that mode – my fingers can fly across the keyboard and I feel like I’m chit chatting with you right across the room.
Quickly, blogging transitioned from a potential income stream to my primary form of free content instead – or my mother piece of content full of ideas, inspiration, tips and tricks to support what my audience may be experiencing, and giving more ‘meat’ to who I was as a coach than I could share on a social media post.
My cadence also changed from a hearty twice per week post (what the what!?) to my current monthly post, which will likely turn to twice monthly by year’s end. Remember, I’m an entrepreneur too – changing my mind to better support my audience and what they need.
- I started as a wannabe blogger, blogging twice a week.
- Transitioned to coaching as a primary revenue source, and with that shift in energies moved to weekly blog posts.
- As I further niched to financial coaching, and increased my coaching time (while juggling a home, family, and full time job) I pulled back my blogging to twice monthly before dialing it back to monthly where it sat for some time.
- Now that my niche is even further defined to small business and finance coaching I really have two audiences of those interested in the entrepreneurship side of my chit chat and those interested in the personal finances – thus a switch to twice monthly posts in the future segmented to meet those needs. TMI? Maybe.
The moral of the story?
It’s okay to change your mind, your approach, and your cadence to meet your needs, the needs of your business and your audience.
Once again my process came back up for review when I was feeling tired of content creation. Knowing my natural inclination to enjoy it I knew I was due for some revision in order to continue to enjoy it in this season. My modifications? Transition from 5 weekly social posts down to 4, and backed up from showing up in stories 5-6 days a week down to 4ish. It’s helped me focus where I need to and allowed me to let go of any guilt for not doing it – because I had intentionally revised my plan.
Where do you need to revise your plan?
Where can you apply some systemization to your content creation to streamline and ease your life a bit? Grab a couple of these strategies and implement them to buy yourself some time, and relieve a bit of pressure so that you can focus on your sweet spot of revenue creation over content creation.
Permission granted.
My Top 10 Favorite Blog Posts 2019-2023
- About the Author
- Staring a Business
- Client Success Story
- Rewards Credit Card Query
- Client Success Story
- Falling off the Wagon Encouragment
- Family Fun: Calendar Adventures
- Racism & White Priviledge
- Growing up Farm Girl
- The First Blog
What do you want to see more content about? I’d love to hear! Send an email to [email protected]

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- Money and Love Languages: Strengthening Your Relationship with a Financial Sync
- New Year, New Money Goals: Vision Board for Financial Goals 2025
- How To Get Out of Debt: Our 450K Story
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- Fearless Finances: How to Turn Your Money Worries into Wins